Format Changes for Saturday’s October 2nd Shufu Promotional and BOD/BOE Meetings
Agenda Previous Minutes Financial Report
Athlete Funding
Message from Roy Englert, Jr., Shufu President
In light of the scheduling of Sensei Bill Chaney’s funeral for Saturday afternoon, we are going to:
Try to keep the BOD meeting down to 90 minutes instead of 2 hours.
Evaluate promotion candidates DURING the BOD meeting.
Use the same ZOOM link for both meetings, simply keeping it open during any downtime.
Do our very best to start the BOE meeting 15 minutes after the BOD meeting, i.e., at 10:45 AM.
Thank you for understanding the need for these changes. Following this process will allow people to participate in the meetings and, if they choose, attend the funeral too.
Related and equally important information:
Many of us want to see one another in person and believe it is safe to do in light of our own vaccination status, health, and experience over the last 18 months. We are holding the meeting in a hybrid in-person/Zoom format to accommodate that wish as well as the wishes of people who prefer to participate remotely. And Shufu will not “police” anyone – all participants are adults and Yudansha.
We do strongly urge taking appropriate precautions in light of the continued incidence of COVID-19, which in Montgomery County, MD, is “substantial” according to the CDC classification system and until very recently was “high” under the same system.
This means:
Please do not come if you are sick or even think you might be sick.
Please make appropriate use of masks; although we will trust your judgment, please err on the side of caution.
Please be familiar with other public health guidelines from all sources (including USJF) and take them into account, e.g., keep social distance when possible and appropriate.