A Special Message from Kevin Tamai, Chairman of the Shufu Board of Examiners, on the Occasion of the Shufu Fall Promotional

August 14, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Sensei Kevin Tamai


Today was a big Shufu Judo day. We had rank promotions, our Board of Directors meeting, our Board of Examiners meeting and a wonderful tribute to celebrate the life of our past president and friend, Sensei John Morrisson.


I would like to thank everyone who attend the promotions today, whether live at the dojo or on our virtual links thru zoom.


A big shout out to Kurt Tamai, R Bobby Donaldson, Robert Dirt Winston and John Floyd for stepping up and away from our Shufu Yudanshakai Board of Directors meeting to be Senior examiners for our judoka testing for their dan rank promotions


Congratulations to the following judoka:


Shaun Eddy from Hui-O-Judo in Beltsville for his promotion from Shodan to Nidan


Guilio Agnetti from Movement Lab in Baltimore for his promotion for Shodan to Nidan. That was a long 19 years time in grade between ranks.


Michael DeGaetano from Hui-O-Judo in Beltsville for his promotion from Shodan to Nidan. That was a long 17 years time in grade between ranks


Robert Hunt from Budokan in Chesapeake Beach for his promotion for Nidan to Sandan.


Congratulations to all on your promotions.


Thank you to Sensei Karen Whilden and her team for all of their time, energy and hard work to get these and many other candidates’ paperwork ready to submit for promotion.


Thank you to all of our dan ranking judoka who attended the Board of Directors meeting today, some in person and some on virtual links


Thank you to the Shufu Yudanshakai Board of Examiners, who each traveled in from as far as Boston, or joined us remotely via virtual links, for their personal time away from family to focus on the Shufu judo community at large. We met today to discuss not just the above promotions, but many other concerns and topics for the judo community.


Thank you to the members of Hui-O-Judo and the Beltsville Community Center for hosting this event. Special thanks to Mr James ‘Ed” Nabors and Margie Tamai Kettl


Judo is about jita kyoei and about improving ourselves each day. Those who help to lead Shufu Judo give a lot of their own personal time throughout the year to help keep judo, not just continuing but to regrow and continually evolve. We share our love of judo with so many others.


Thank you to all of those who also stayed to celebrate the life of sensei John Morrisson. It was a wonderful time for fellowship and a great tribute to our friend and mentor. May he rest in eternal peace and happiness, united together with Betty.


Finally thank you to everyone reading this post for being a part of the Shufu Judo Yudanshakai community. Please continue to do what you to help grow judo and share your love of this sport.



Kevin Tamai

Chairman, Board of Examiners

Shufu Judo Yudanshakai

Shufu Shinbun is BACK !

This newsletter is presented in memory of Malcolm Hodges who was a dedicated Shufu and Washington Judo Club member for many years and wrote and was the editor of the monthly Shufu Shinbun newsletter.




JULY 2024

JUNE 2024

MAY 2024

APRIL 2024

MARCH 2024








JULY 2023

JUNE 2023

MAY 2023

APRIL 2023

MARCH 2023








JULY 2022

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MAY 2022

APRIL 2022

Coach Certification

SafeSport Certification is now required for all USJF registered clubs. If you have already completed the course and submitted a copy of your certificate, you do not need to resubmit. For more information or to take the course, please visit https://athletesafety.org/

Heads Up concussion training, through the CDC’s website, is a requirement for all members of your USJF registered club who function as teachers at any time. Please advise all of your instructors and assistant instructors of this requirement. The training can be accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/headsup/

Hilaire Notewo Seeking Donations for Judo Programs in the Ivory Coast, Needs Gis and Equipment

Longtime Shufu Judo member Hilaire Notewo is planning to relocate to Côte D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Africa in late November/December. He will be supporting judo programs, but equipment (esp. judo uniforms) are difficult to come by.  Hilaire is looking for gently used judo gis and other equipment.  Hilaire will also be visiting and donating goods to orphanages.  Should you have gently used shoes, clothes for teenagers, youths, and toddlers, kindly make them available to Hilaire.

If you would like to donate to this effort, you can send your donation to the following address:

Hilaire Notewo

7401 New Hampshire Ave. #1003

Takoma Park, MD  20912

Or contact him via his email address: hilson79@gmail.com 202 945 3781.