The 2025 Shufu Yudanshakai Rules Clinic was conducted in cooperation with Sport Judo on Jan 12, 2025, at the Sport Judo Dojo in Springfield, Virginia.
The clinic, an annual highlight on the Shufu calendar, is presented annually by leading international referees, with this year’s session focusing on the new rules that were presented at the IJF Technical Seminar held in Istanbul on December 14-15, 2024.
Understanding the current rules and how they are applied is critical for judoka at all levels, as this affects play and makes for better competitors, referees, coaches, and club instructors.
The clinic was presented in person at Sport Judo and included a Zoom link for those who wished to attend virtually. There were over 59 people from 27 judo clubs in 12 states attending in person and via Zoom. The event, open to all USJF, USJA and USA Judo members, ran from 1 PM to 4 PM and was sanctioned by the United States Judo Federation.
Bukhbat “Ben” Mashbat, an IJF International Referee, Olympic Referee and Member of the IJF Referee Commission, and Sharon Landstreet, IJF International Referee and Chairman of the Shufu Judo Yudanshakai Referee Committee were the clinicians. Ms. Landstreet, who attended the December IJF Technical Seminar in Istanbul, was also the event coordinator.
The clinic was a combination of a presentation of the new rules, demonstrations of the rule changes, review of video clips associated with those changes, and question and answer periods with some great discussions and enthusiastic participation from those in attendance.
The following IJF Rules areas were discussed:
Scores in Tachi-waza and Osaekomi, Bear Hug Revisions, Reverse Seoi-nage now being allowed in IJF Seniors and Juniors Competitions, Gripping Under the Belt, Tori Using the Head to execute throws now being allowed in IJF Seniors and Juniors Competitions, Uke applying head defense now being allowed in IJF Seniors and Juniors Competitions, Head Diving is still not allowed, Kansetsu-waza & Shime-waza situations, Gripping Inside Jacket is allowed in tachiwaza and newaza and gripping inside the trousers is allowed in newaza , False Attack had new evaluation criteria added, Stepping outside the contest area revisions, Kumikata revisions, Osaekomi clarifications, Standing up from Ne-Waza where a competitor can be thrown even when their back is turned to their opponent, and IJF Educational Items
Thanks to Vasile Victor Ciocoiu, Bo Pryor, and his daughter Anu for assisting with the demonstrations. Thanks to Lindsay Cosley for all the technical support and Michael Landstreet for the administration support.
Thanks to Sport Judo, Maurice Allan and Steve Berliner for hosting the event at their dojo.
Thanks to Sensei Sharon Landstreet for submitting this report.