A Message from Kevin Tamai


CRFM_20140125_9852Congratulations goes to all of the judoka who were able to attend the Shufu Judo Yudanshakai Katame No Kata Clinic on Saturday, March 1st at DeMatha Catholic High School.


There were a number of valuable messages from the senseis during the katame no kata clinic today.  In no particular order:


  • They stated how beneficial learning and practicing the kata is for competitive judoka since it is one of the shiai katas

  • They stressed how much more important it is to feel the kata with your body rather than just read it, look at a book, watch a video or see someone doing it.

  • They stated that is very important to not just learn the kata but to practice it regularly.

  • Kata will enhance your judo experience and make your judo much better.

  • Judo is a lifetime of learning. You must practice always.

  • It is ok to make mistakes, to ask many questions but always to constantly learn.

  • Refine your techniques as you practice. Pay attention to the details.

  • Make certain to use good posture and pay attention to body framework. Incorporate and use your body in each technique.

  • Learn and practice both sides so you understand all of the interconnections.

  • Do not just go through the motions, make them real.

  • Use the kata techniques you learn to make your good judo even better.


All of the senseis challenged the participants to take what they learn today and practice it.  You do not need mats or a partner, just walk through the movements. Practice both roles. Visit another club to work with other judoka. Go to a dojo once a month to practice the kata and get feedback from the instructors. Invite one of the kata instructors to come up to visit your dojo. In addition, the senseis encouraged the judoka to take what they learned and share it with their clubs. They asked the judoka to encourage other club members to learn the katas and come to the clinics.


The senseis said to use each event as a learning experience. The evaluators make notes to help you to improve your techniques and your flow. They are there to help you to continually improve and develop.


As part of its continuing commitment to the judoka in this area, Shufu provides a variety of valued added services such as clinics throughout the year. We offer at two kata clinics per year and nine events to compete in the kata. We have an annual referee clinic every January. At various times throughout the year we offer senior competitor development clinics, junior competitor development clinics, teacher clinics and coaching clinics. We continue to develop referees, technical officials and instructors.


Kevin Tamai

Shufu Shinbun is BACK !

This newsletter is presented in memory of Malcolm Hodges who was a dedicated Shufu and Washington Judo Club member for many years and wrote and was the editor of the monthly Shufu Shinbun newsletter.


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Coach Certification

SafeSport Certification is now required for all USJF registered clubs. If you have already completed the course and submitted a copy of your certificate, you do not need to resubmit. For more information or to take the course, please visit https://athletesafety.org/

Heads Up concussion training, through the CDC’s website, is a requirement for all members of your USJF registered club who function as teachers at any time. Please advise all of your instructors and assistant instructors of this requirement. The training can be accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/headsup/

Hilaire Notewo Seeking Donations for Judo Programs in the Ivory Coast, Needs Gis and Equipment

Longtime Shufu Judo member Hilaire Notewo is planning to relocate to Côte D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Africa in late November/December. He will be supporting judo programs, but equipment (esp. judo uniforms) are difficult to come by.  Hilaire is looking for gently used judo gis and other equipment.  Hilaire will also be visiting and donating goods to orphanages.  Should you have gently used shoes, clothes for teenagers, youths, and toddlers, kindly make them available to Hilaire.

If you would like to donate to this effort, you can send your donation to the following address:

Hilaire Notewo

7401 New Hampshire Ave. #1003

Takoma Park, MD  20912

Or contact him via his email address: hilson79@gmail.com 202 945 3781.