Spring 2021 Shufu Promotion For Dan Ranks

January 17, 2021

Shufu Judo Yudanshakai presents the

Spring 2021 Shufu Judo Yudanshakai Senior Promotional for Dan Ranks

On March 6, 2021, the Shufu Board of Examiners (BOE) will virtually review paperwork for dan ranks, in lieu of holding a face-to-face promotion event due to the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).

Eligibility to Register for Promotion

  1. All judoka must be a current member of the USJF, USJA, or USA Judo.

    (USJF members are eligible to be promoted at this event. USJA or USA Judo members may request to be examined and have their results forwarded to the appropriate organization.)

  2. For Shodan – current year plus one year prior membership in USJF

  3. For Nidan and above – current year plus three years prior membership in USJF


Recommending Students for Promotion

Examinees must be recommended for promotion by their instructor.

    1. In-Club Promotion Examination Form: All examinees from a dojo should be listed on this form that is submitted by the head instructor from each club to Miki Takemori, Chair of the Board of Examiners – ShufuBOEChair@gmail.com

      • See Shufu website under Promotions for form entitled “In-Club Promotion Examination Form”.

    1. Sensei’s validation email: Due to the COVID-19 PHE, the following exception is being made for this promotion.  The in-person demonstration and evaluation for dan ranks, normally performed by members of the BOE, is being allowed to be validated by the head Sensei.

      • Using the senior promotional requirements (“2021 Final Handbook with Added Techniques”) and the senior promotional score sheet on the Shufu website, under Promotions, a Sensei may determine and validate if the student meets the requirements for the required techniques, kata, and general knowledge. Once it is determined that the student meets the requirements, the sensei may submit an email to shufurankreg@gmail.com stating that their student has the knowledge and skills listed in the USJF requirements for the proposed rank.

Promotion Requirements In Effect

As approved by the Shufu Board of Examiners, Shufu applies the USJF promotion criteria.

    • See Shufu website, under Promotions for the document entitled “2021 Final Handbook Revision with Added Techniques”.

Registration and Fees

    1. Deadlines for Registration and Shufu fees

      • February 20, 2021

    1. All registration is online HERE

      • Shufu Promotion Fee: $15

        • Note: After the promotion: USJF Promotional Fees: $125 for Shodan plus $25 for each rank step above Shodan, plus an additional $25 for Shichidan and Hachidan. (Instructions for how to pay to USJF Promotional Fees will be provided after the promotional) Life Members: $0


Documentation and Deadlines

    1. Deadlines for Documentation

      • February 6, 2021:

        • Initial submission of Form 20.

        • Other documentation may start to be submitted at this time as well.

      • February 20, 2021:

        • Rest of documentation, completed/finalized Form 20, Sensei’s validation email

    1. Documentation Due by Saturday, February 6, 2021

      • Editable Form 20.

        • Submit to Karen Whilden, Rank Registration Chair, at shufurankreg@gmail.com.

        • The Rank Registration Chair will work with candidate to identify and cure any problems with the Form 20, with that process to be completed at least 14 days before the promotional, i.e. Saturday, February 20, 2021.

        • If a Form 20 has not been submitted by Saturday, February 6, 2021, the Shufu Board of Examiners (BOE) will table the promotion request until the next promotional.

    1. Documentation Due by Saturday, February 20, 2021

        • Electronic submission only:

        • Submit all documentation to Karen Whilden, Rank Registration Chair, at shufurankreg@gmail.com (See Shufu website under Promotions for how to submit each document.)

        • Sensei’s validation email

        • Form 20 – in final, complete, and editable format

        • USJF Membership card

        • Promotion certificate for current rank

        • USJF background check (for judoka 18 years of age and older)

        • Kata Scores (as required by the rank sought) *

          • Prior competition scores

          • Evaluation using a promotional score sheet by a kata judge or BOE member

          • Virtual evaluation by kata judge of BOE member

          • For this one time, a sensei statement / validation in the “sensei’s validation email” that the candidate has the required knowledge of the required kata(s).

          • For safety reasons due to COVID-19 public health emergency, additional exposure to individuals not normally associated with each other is not required.

        • Safe Sport certificate (for judoka 18 years of age and older) *

        • CDC Heads Up certificate*

        • CPR certificate (for nidan and above) *

        • First Aid certificate (for nidan and above) *

        • Other certificates (as required to decrease Time-in-Grade by the rank sought for non-competitors)

        • If the Form 20 has not been updated to cure all identified problems, and resubmitted by Saturday, February 20, 2021, the Shufu Board of Examiners will table the promotion request until the next promotional.

        • * If the final, complete, editable form 20, kata scores, Safe Sport certificate, CDC Heads Up certificate, CPR certificate, or First Aid certificate has not been submitted by Saturday, February 20, 2021, the Shufu Board of Examiners will table the promotion request until the next promotional.

        • No documentation will be accepted after Saturday, February 20, 2021.

    1. BOE Review: All test results will be held for BOE review via a Zoom call on March 6, 2021.

    2. Results: Results will be posted on the Shufu website by March 8th.

Meeting on March 6

Shufu Board of Examiners (BOE)

      • Time: 1 PM







Shufu Shinbun is BACK !

This newsletter is presented in memory of Malcolm Hodges who was a dedicated Shufu and Washington Judo Club member for many years and wrote and was the editor of the monthly Shufu Shinbun newsletter.


JULY 2024

JUNE 2024

MAY 2024

APRIL 2024

MARCH 2024








JULY 2023

JUNE 2023

MAY 2023

APRIL 2023

MARCH 2023








JULY 2022

JUNE 2022

MAY 2022

APRIL 2022

Coach Certification

SafeSport Certification is now required for all USJF registered clubs. If you have already completed the course and submitted a copy of your certificate, you do not need to resubmit. For more information or to take the course, please visit https://athletesafety.org/

Heads Up concussion training, through the CDC’s website, is a requirement for all members of your USJF registered club who function as teachers at any time. Please advise all of your instructors and assistant instructors of this requirement. The training can be accessed at: http://www.cdc.gov/headsup/

Hilaire Notewo Seeking Donations for Judo Programs in the Ivory Coast, Needs Gis and Equipment

Longtime Shufu Judo member Hilaire Notewo is planning to relocate to Côte D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Africa in late November/December. He will be supporting judo programs, but equipment (esp. judo uniforms) are difficult to come by.  Hilaire is looking for gently used judo gis and other equipment.  Hilaire will also be visiting and donating goods to orphanages.  Should you have gently used shoes, clothes for teenagers, youths, and toddlers, kindly make them available to Hilaire.

If you would like to donate to this effort, you can send your donation to the following address:

Hilaire Notewo

7401 New Hampshire Ave. #1003

Takoma Park, MD  20912

Or contact him via his email address: hilson79@gmail.com 202 945 3781.